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H-line - The new branded experience. Available to purchase or rent from The Display Boutique.
Discover the hottest display trend with configurations that fit perfectly within your space and budget. Panoramic H-line is a versatile, fully branded modular display solution that can be adapted for any application:
Trade Show Exhibits
Retail Activations
Stage & Event Backdrops
H-line Features & Benefits:
Endless Modularity. All H-line frame module types can be connected to one another offering unlimited combinations & configuration possibilities suited to any space or application.
Accessorize. Personalize your configuration with over 30 accessory options (and growing). Each H-line module is designed to provide a specific function to your personalized display. Available modules include TV mounts, product shelving, meeting tables, reception counters, secure storage and more!
Quick & Easy Set-Up. H-line frames pack and transport fully assembled with the graphics pre-installed which greatly reduces the set-up and dismantle time. Modules are lightweight and can be installed by anyone thanks to simple, tool-free assembly.
With H-line, creating a great looking, functional and affordable modular display has never been easier!
H-line Trade Show Solution
Choose a 10' x 10' or 10' x 20' configuration from the trade show booth kits library or connect with us to build your own H-line booth today. Visit our H-line Trade Show Solution website to learn more about this revolutionary modular exhibit system. Better yet, request your FREE concept proposal and let us show you how H-line wears your brand!
Build Your Booth
H-line Look Book
The H-line Look Book printed catalogue features a number of H-line display configuration ideas and examples along with budgetary purchase and rental pricing. You're sure to gain inspiration for creating your own personalized H-line display solution. Request your FREE copy and discover the new branded experience today.
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